This gorgeous mama leaves me absolutely speechless. To say that she is going to make a fierce, strong, amazing mother is a complete understatement. Cieara, you are glowing to the max.
This St. Louis session at the always beautiful Forest Park left me with some serious baby fever. To look so effortless this far along in a pregnancy is a total dream of mine. This mama-to-be is also an outstanding photographer in the St. Louis area, so it was definitely a treat to get to see her on the other side of the camera for once. Definitely take a second to check out her work!!
I hope you enjoy every photograph from this session; it truly is, without a doubt, one of my favorites. I couldn’t get enough of Cieara and Ronnie dancing with each other in the Grand Basin and, of course, Cieara’s adorable red Hunter boots 🙂
Can’t wait for their little girl to arrive!